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EDU (short for Eduardo)

EDU is a great guy!

He is your lead, your candidate, your student, and your alumni.  
He helps you see things from his perspective. 
You will understand why things matter to him. 
On this blog, he will pose questions to which you hopefully have answers
  - or we help you to find them!

Change Perspectives!

Degree or No Degree

"Why shall I go to university?", the nephew asked Eduardo. Eduardo stumbled. He had so many ideas in mind but he knew...

Where are my top universities?

Edu, short for Eduardo, was trying to find more information about his top universities. Social media is a great place...

Today is my Birthday! Nobody cares...

"It's interesting to observe how universities that have Edu's date of birth ignore his special day. Wouldn't it be easy...

Sorry, I asked for Information!

"Two weeks ago Edu, short for Eduardo, completed an online form to request information for a Master's Program. By...

How to Trust a New University?

"Edu, short for Eduardo, found that new university in a Facebook Ad: Accredited, affordable, from Europe... His dream...

Why I left the Education Fair...

"Last week Edu, short for Eduardo, signed up for a virtual education fair. 50 universities from 15 countries signed up...