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Top Study Destinations

Change is the only constant 

Undoubtedly, the BIG FOUR (USA, UK, Canada, and Australia) dominate the league of top study destinations. But it's not all set in stone. See the evolution over the last couple of years and the significant changes. 

... and if you look at the TOP 10 Study abroad destinations from for 2024, the winner is - surprise - Germany. This is based on their own international student survey rather than official student numbers. 

We will review this data when updates are available. 


Bias in Admissions

How can bias in Admissions Decisions be reduced? 

We launched a LinkedIn survey in April 2024 to explore the most effective way to defeat biases in Admissions. This is a multifaceted challenge with no clear-cut answer. 

In the survey:

  • More than half of the respondents stated that Bias will always exist
  • One-third of the respondents, vouched for an Unbiasing Process Elements
  • Training seems not to  be the solution
  • AI seems not to be there. For now, it still struggles with its own bias problems. 

 For more details on Bias, check out the recent articles on this topic on Linkedin: